A name almost as mysterious as the creatures it describes. Imagine being so strange that nobody is sure what you actually are. This is the fate of the NamaKo, the misunderstood marine creatures that swarm the ocean floors. The unconventional aesthetics of these creatures often leads them to be shunned and overlooked, people don't recognise their underlying brilliance. They are vital for sustaining the ecological systems of the ocean, and when eaten they have anti-aging properties and are strong anti-oxidants.

The NamaKo may be ugly, it may just be one of millions, but it does it's own little bit of good in the world, and we think this deserves to be recognised.

The NamaKo is all of us 

The Japanese get it. The NamaKo has been the focus of many Haikus in Japanese culture, which point out the power, chaos and ferocity of the NamaKo which so often go unnoticed. They also use NamaKo as the name for a hand guard on a sword: even Samurais recognise the power of the name.

The NamaKo is our symbol, it encompasses everything we stand for; power, mystery and understated brilliance. If you can relate to the desire to shine amongst the masses, then follow us and become a NamaKo Warrior.

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