We love, live and breathe London 24/7, and although we adore this frenzied city it’s sometimes nice to take a step back, collect your thoughts and revaluate.
The NamaKo team hopped on a helicopter and jetted to the beautiful British paradise nestled in the Scilly Isles: Tresco. Staying in the picturesque Dolphin House, surrounded by nothing but sea, sand and salty air, we immersed ourselves in creativity and let the island inspire us.
Our view from Dolphin House
There is something about the air out there that really seemed to get us going. We’re not sure whether it was the lack of car fumes, the sound of waves rather than sirens or the fact that stars could be seen without the electric hum of the city, but we managed to come up with a number of brand new collections for the NamaKo range.
But London was calling us again. There’s only so much clean air we can take. The NamaKo team can announce that we have now moved into our brand new headquarters. And it is glorious. Let the hilarity ensue…
._Team Namako_.
._Team Namako_.
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